The Admin area

Indigo has a backend Admin area that lets administrator users control some internal settings of how Indigo works. Only adminstrator (staff) users have access to this area.

Logging in

To log into the Admin area:

  1. Log into Indigo
  2. Click your name in the top-right corner
  3. Click Site settings


If the Site settings option isn’t visible, then you aren’t a staff member and don’t have permission to view the admin area.


Indigo uses Django’s permission system to control who can create, edit, delete and publish documents. This can help prevent documents from being deleted and published accidentally.

Permissions can be assigned to individual users, or to groups. Users who belong to groups get permissions from those groups.

To edit permissions,

  1. Click on Users or Groups in the Admin area.
  2. Choose the user or group to edit (or create a new user or group)
  3. Scroll down to the permissions boxes.

The permissions that are important are:

indigo_api | work | Can add work
Allows the user to create new works. This doesn’t allow a user to edit existing works.
indigo_api | work | Can change work
Allows the user to edit existing works.
indigo_api | work | Can delete work
Allows the user to delete works.


Only give work permissions to experienced users.

indigo_api | document | Can add document
Allows the user to create and import a new document. This doesn’t allow a user to edit existing documents.
indigo_api | document | Can change document
Allows the user to edit existing documents.
indigo_api | document | Can delete document
Allows the user to delete documents.
indigo_api | document | Can publish and edit non-draft documents
Allows the user to mark a document as published (not a draft) and, along with the change permission, edit published documents.


Only give the delete and publish permissions to experienced users.

indigo_api | annotation | Can add annotations
Allows the user to annotate (add comments to) documents.
indigo_api | annotation | Can change document
Allows the user to edit their annotations.
indigo_api | annotation | Can delete annotation
Allows the user to delete their annotations.

Adding new Admins

To give admin permissions to a user, which allows them to log into the Admin area:

  1. Click on Users in the Admin area.
  2. Click on the user you wish to make an Admin.
  3. Check the Staff status checkbox in the Permissions section and click Save.