
18.0.0 (2023-06-30)


You must upgrade to this version before upgrading to future versions.

This version replaces Slaw with Bluebell for parsing documents. This cannot be undone.

This version completely eliminates any requirements for Ruby to be installed.

Bluebell is written in Python, is faster and more flexible than Slaw, and introduces the following improvements:

  • Support for all AKN hierarchical elements out of the box.

  • Support for AKN subflows: quotes and footnotes.

  • A consistent mark-up pattern for all hierarchical elements, making it a matter of simply replacing a keyword rather than looking up the syntax for different elements.

  • Support for paragraph and subparagraph, rather than using blocklists for everything below section.

  • Significant whitespace / use of indentation puts the power in the user’s hands as to when exactly an element ends. This means you can now have standalone text, followed by a deeply nested hierarchical element that itself contains introductory and wrap-up text, with more standalone text before the next hierarchical element, if needed.

It is strongly recommended to run the Bluebell Migration on your existing documents to take advantage of richer markup and ensure valid Akoma Ntoso XML.

Note: it is technically possible to proceed without migrating your existing documents. However, this will mean that new documents and old documents will have different XML and will lead to an inconsistent database. We cannot guarantee that future data migrations will work if you do not migrate your existing documents.

Upgrade process

  1. Make a backup of your database before proceeding.

  2. Install Indigo version 18.0.0 and apply any outstanding Django migrations with python migrate.

  3. Add bluebell_migration as one of your installation’s INSTALLED_APPS in

  4. Before editing any documents in the new editor, run the Bluebell Migration on your database using the bb_migrate management command. For more details, see below.

  5. Remove bluebell_migration from INSTALLED_APPS, as this is a once-off migration.

Bluebell migration

This version of Indigo includes a management command for migrating your existing documents into an improved version of Akoma Ntoso XML. This prepares your documents for use with Bluebell and ensures better consistency and validation with the Akoma Ntoso XML standard.

Note: This migration is specifically to update an existing database where Slaw was used to parse text into XML. It is not a generic XML updater, and if you’re new to using Indigo (or new to using it for editing the content of documents) from version 18 onwards, you won’t need to run this migration.

Run python bb_migrate, with the following arguments, to update your database:

  • This will update all the documents on the work with the FRBR URI /akn/za/act/1998/51 – South African (national) Act 51 of 1998 – if any are found:

    python bb_migrate --work /akn/za/act/1998/51
  • This will update all the documents on all works in the place za-ec – the Eastern Cape province in South Africa – if any are found:

    python bb_migrate --place za-ec
  • This will update all the documents on all works in each locality in South Africa, as well as works at the national level:

    python bb_migrate --country-with-localities za

    (To update only documents on works at the national level, use e.g. place za, which will exclude localities in South Africa.)

  • This will update all the documents on all works in all places:

    python bb_migrate
  • Adding --no-checks will skip the following checks which run alongside the migration (but won’t prevent an update if they fail):

    • Stability: Checks that the document post migration will produce the same XML again when re-parsed with Bluebell.

    • Identity: Checks that the content, stripped of structure, is identical before and after the migration.

    • Validity: Checks that the document post migration has XML that validates against the Akoma Ntoso specification.

  • Adding --no-versions will skip migrating the historical versions of documents created each time they’re saved in the document editor. This means that if a particular document were to be rolled back after the migration has been run across the database, it would need a manual update to bring it in line with the rest of the database.

  • Adding --print-eid-mappings will print a (potentially enormous) mapping of old to new eIds on every document migrated – e.g:

    {"1234": {"sec_2__hcontainer_1__list_1__item_a": "sec_2__para_a", etc (more eIds for document 1234)}, etc (more documents)}

    This would print to stdout, while all the other log messages will print to stderr, so you could run something like:

    python bb_migrate --print-eid-mappings > bluebell-migration.log 2> bluebell-migration-err.log

    to run the migration across your entire database, printing the output to your terminal (and saving it to bluebell-migration-err.log), and saving the eId mappings in bluebell-migration.log.

  • Add --skip-list, followed by a semicolon-separated list of FRBR URIs to exclude from the migration, e.g:

    python bb_migrate --place za --skip-list /akn/za/act/2011/28;/akn/za/act/2012/43

    This will include all documents on all works in South Africa, with the exception of any documents on Acts 28 of 2011 and 43 of 2012.

  • Note: None of the above options will save the changes to your database. Do a dry run first, and if you’re happy with the outputs, add --commit to keep the changes. All documents that are updated successfully, regardless of the outcome of the above-mentioned checks, will be saved when you include --commit.

The command will output guidance to help you debug and resolve migration issues, if any.

Some potential migration issues due to bluebell’s stricter markup:

  • <br/> elements are no longer supported in tables: separate ``<p></p>``s (before and after each break) will be used instead.

  • double inline markup is not supported in bluebell: ****bold** text** will be converted into \***\*bold** text\*\* in bluebell markup, or *<b>*bold</b> text** in the XML.

Once you are ready to migrate, run the command with the --commit flag to commit changes. The migration is done in a transaction and can safely be cancelled before it is complete.

Note: the migration make take a long time to complete if you have many documents in your database.


  • BREAKING: ImporterZA and TOCBuilderZA have been removed; plugins that subclass them should subclass the base Importer and TOCBuilderBase instead.

  • BREAKING: Importer now uses pipelines. See for details. Subclasses will need to be updated.

  • BREAKING: Bluebell, not Slaw, is now used for parsing documents. This means all AKN hierarchical elements are supported in the editor by default. See and for information on the new mark-up patterns.

    Simply reparsing a document in bluebell, without changing any of the content or structure, will already make basic improvements like using intro, hcontainer, and wrapUp. Running the Bluebell Migration process described above will transform most blockLists into paragraphs with nested subparagraphs. If your project overrides any of the XSL in indigo, it will likely need an update regardless of whether you run the upgrade process described above.

  • NEW: Friendly titles for all AKN hierarchical elements are now supported by TOCBuilderBase. (It is still possible to override them using the existing titles on subclasses.)

  • law-widgets - styling for all AKN elements, including introductory and wrap-up text, and the new subflows mentioned above.

17.3.1 (???)

  • NEW: Allow subclasses of BaseTermsFinder to use alternation in term_re.

  • BREAKING: use ISO-639-2T language codes rather than ISO-639-2B. This impacts documents in these language codes: tib cze wel ger gre baq per fre arm ice geo mao mac may bur dut rum slo alb chi. After this upgrade, you must run python upgrade_languages to convert documents with the old code to the new code.

17.0.0 (2022-03-07)

  • BREAKING: pipeline-based importer and parser.

  • BREAKING: Update to Django 3.2

  • CHANGE: use <br/> rather than <eol/> (slaw 12.0.0).

16.0.0 (2021-11-05)

  • FEATURE: Collapsible table of contents.

  • NEW: Multiple and partial commencements filter on Work filter form.

  • FIX: Commenceable provisions are loaded faster.

15.0.1 (2021-09-16)

  • FIX: update_commencements management command updated.

15.0.0 (2021-07-14)

  • FEATURE: New Content API Badge for controlling who can use the Content API.

  • FEATURE: Admins can now remove badges from the contributor detail page.

  • NEW: Commencements below the section level supported.


After updating to this version, you must run the update_commencements management command.

14.0.0 (2021-06-15)

  • FEATURE: Authorities and resolvers support priorities; highest priority for multiple matches wins.

  • BREAKING: Indigo now always requires authentication. Support for unauthenticated use is removed because it is too difficult and risky to support allowing both types of access.

  • FEATURE: Enforce view permissions for countries, tasks, workflows, works and documents.

  • BREAKING: Default badge permissions have changed. Run python award_badges.

  • FEATURE: Configure the badges assigned to new users through INDIGO_SOCIAL[‘new_user_badges’]

  • FEATURE: Support underlines with __

  • FIX: Export all extra properties on XLSX export.


After updating to this version, you must manually grant the Contributor badge to your users from each user’s profile view (from /contributors). The badge grants basic read-only permissions and will be automatically awarded to new users.

13.1.2 (2021-03-19)

  • FEATURE: Introduce ‘commencement note’, which can give extra context when the commencement date is unclear.

13.1.1 (2021-03-17)

  • SECURITY: Bump bootstrap-select to 1.13.18

  • FEATURE: New ‘blocked’ state for tasks introduced, with the option of listing one or more blocking tasks.

  • FIX: Start using indigo-akn v1.3.1, which allows us to adjust tables’ column widths again.

  • FIX: Helper to support reversing content API URLs.

  • NEW: Introduce Place Admin Permission Badge for editing place settings; move this permission out of ‘Super Reviewer’ badge.

  • NEW: Bulk creator now supports overriding the date of a commencement / amendment / repeal if it’s different from the commencement date of the affecting work.

  • NEW: All extra properties are now shown on bulk import.

13.1.0 (2021-01-27)

  • FEATURE: Filter tasks by type, country in all Task list views.

  • FEATURE: Export all works in a place into a maintainable spreadsheet.

  • FEATURE: Bulk creator now supports linking all active and passive, parent and child relationships.

  • FEATURE: The text given on the coverpage of a document when no publication document is linked can now be specified per place.

  • FIX: Taxonomies that include spaces and/or commas are now imported correctly.

  • FIX: Comment-based tasks now show their context even if the annotation doesn’t have a parent in the ToC.

  • NEW: Commenceable provisions on the coverpage of a document now only include provisions that exist(ed) on or before the date of the document.

  • NEW: Introduce Taxonomist Permission Badge for working with Taxonomies in the Admin section.

  • NEW: Show ‘Stub’ status in Preview on bulk import.

13.0.0 (2020-11-03)

  • BREAKING: Replace migrations with squashed migrations permanently


When updating to this version, you must change your Django migrations to declare dependencies on the latest squashed migrations provided by Indigo.

  • For indigo_api, this is 0001_squashed_0137

  • For indigo_app, this is 0001_squashed_0021

12.0.0 (2020-11-02)


This version squashed migrations, which cannot be undone.

You must upgrade to this version before upgrading to future versions.

  • BREAKING: replace Ace editor with Monaco editor, for improved syntax highlighting and text editing

  • BREAKING: the search API has been extracted into indigo-search-psql.

11.1.0 (2020-09-14)

  • FEATURE: Support for superscript and subscript in parser

  • FIX: keep /akn prefix for resolver

  • FIX: update component meta when parsing whole document

  • FIX: PDF default templates

  • FIX: docx import

  • Introduce import_from_html

11.0.0 (2020-08-14)


This version migrates data from Akoma Ntoso 2.0 to Akoma Ntoso 3.0. This cannot be undone.

You must upgrade to this version before upgrading to future versions.

Upgrade process

  1. Make a backup of your database before proceeding

  2. Install Indigo version 11.0.0.

  3. Apply outstanding migrations one at a time.

The indigo_api migrations 0130 to 0134 make significant changes to all current and historical documents. They may each take up to an hour to run.


  • BREAKING: migrate from Akoma Ntoso 2.0 to Akoma Ntoso 3.0

  • BREAKING: content API URLs with work components must use !, such as /za/act/1992/1/!main

  • BREAKING: v1 of the content API has been removed, as it is not AKN3 compliant.

  • BREAKING: static XSL filenames have changed: * act.xsl has moved to html_act.xsl * country-specific files such as act-za.xsl must be renamed to html_act-za.xsl * text.xsl has moved to text_act.xsl * country-specific files such as act_text-za.xsl must be renamed to text_act-za.xsl

  • BREAKING: work FRBR URIs now all start with /akn

  • FEATURE: add akn as a final candidate when looking for XSL and coverpage files

  • Vastly improved document differ/comparisons using xmldiff.

10.0.0 (5 June 2020)

Note: This is the last version to support Akoma Ntoso 2.0. You must upgrade to this version before upgrading to subsequent versions.

  • BREAKING: upgrade to Django 2.22

  • BREAKING: new badges with clearer names and permissions

  • FEATURE: SUBPART element

  • FEATURE: numbered title in API

  • FEATURE: user profile photos

  • FIX: many fixes for table editing

  • FIX: improved annotation anchoring

  • List of contributors for place and work

9.1.0 (13 March 2020)

  • Changes to act coverpage template to better support customisation

  • FIX: correctly count number of breadth-complete works for daily work metrics

9.0.0 (10 March 2020)

  • FEATURE: model multiple commencements and include commenced provision information in API

  • FIX: issue when locking a document for editing

  • Improved inline view of differences between points in time

  • Report JS exceptions to admins

8.0.0 (10 February 2020)

  • FEATURE: New place overview page

  • FEATURE: New page to show tasks assigned to a user

  • FEATURE: Filter works by completeness

  • Group sources in document ‘show source’ view

  • Include amendment publication documents in ‘show source’ view

  • Decrypt encrypted PDFs when importing only certain pages

  • Move from arrow to iso8601

7.0.0 (9 December 2019)

  • FEATURE: export work details as XLSX

  • FEATURE: resizable table columns (using CKEditor)

  • FEATURE: highlight text and make comments

  • Make it easier to override colophons

  • Rename output renderers to exporters, so as not to clash with DRF renderers

6.0.0 (18 November 2019)

  • FEATURE: choose which pages to import from PDFs

  • FEATURE: link to internal section references

  • FEATURE: advanced work filtering (publication, commencement, repeal, amendment etc.)

  • FEATURE: show offline warning when editing a document

  • FEATURE: site sidebar removed and replaced with tabs

  • FEATURE: show source attachments and work publication document side-by-side when editing a document

  • FEATURE: explicit support for commenced work with an unknown commencement date

  • New schedule syntax makes headings and subheadings clearer

  • Move document templates from templates/documents/ to templates/indigo_api/documents/

5.0.0 (21 October 2019)

  • FEATURE: count of comments on a document, and comment navigation

  • FEATURE: resolver for looking up documents in the local database

  • FEATURE: include images in PDFs and ePUBs

  • FEATURE: Support for arbitrary expression dates

  • Custom work properties for a place moved into settings

4.1.0 (3 October 2019)

  • FEATURE: Paste tables directly from Word when in edit mode.

  • FEATURE: Scaffolding for showing document issues.

  • FEATURE: Show document hierarchy in editor.

  • FEATURE: Support customisable importing of HTML files.

  • FEATURE: Customisable PDF footers

  • Clearer indication of repealed works.

  • indigo-web 3.6.1 - explicit styling for crossHeading elements

  • Badge icons are now stylable images

  • Javascript traditions inherit from the defaults better, and are simpler to manage.

4.0.0 (12 September 2019)

This release drops support for Python 2.x. Please upgrade to at least Python 3.6.

  • BREAKING: Drop support for Python 2.x

  • FEATURE: Calculate activity metrics for places

  • FEATURE: Importing bulk works from Google Sheets now allows you to choose a tab to import from

  • Preview when importing bulk works

  • Requests are atomic and run in transactions by default

  • Improved place listing view, including activity for the place

  • Localities page for a place

3.0 (5 July 2019)

This is the first major release of Indigo with over a year of active development. Upgrade to this version by installing updated dependencies and running migrations.

  • FEATURE: Support images in documents

  • FEATURE: Download as XML

  • FEATURE: Annotations/comments on documents

  • FEATURE: Download documents as ZIP archives

  • FEATURE: You can now highlight lines of text in the editor and transform them into a table, using the Edit > Insert Table menu item.

  • FEATURE: Edit menu with Find, Replace, Insert Table, Insert Image, etc.

  • FEATURE: Presence indicators for other users editing the same document.

  • FEATURE: Assignable tasks and workflows.

  • FEATURE: Social/oauth login supported.

  • FEATURE: Localisation support for different languages and legal traditions.

  • FEATURE: Badge-based permissions system

  • FEATURE: Email notifications

  • FEATURE: Improved diffs in document and work version histories

  • FEATURE: Batch creation of works from Google Sheets

  • FEATURE: Permissions-based API access

  • FEATURE: Attach publication documents to works

  • FEATURE: Measure work completeness

  • BREAKING: Templates for localised rendering have moved to templates/indigo_api/akn/

  • BREAKING: The LIME editor has been removed.

  • BREAKING: Content API for published documents is now a separate module and versioned under /v2/

  • BREAKING: Some models have moved from indigo_app to indigo_api, you may need to updated your references appropriately.

2.0 (6 April 2017)

  • Upgraded to Django 1.10

  • Upgraded a number of dependencies to support Django 1.10

  • FEATURE: significantly improved mechanism for maintaining amended versions of documents

  • FEATURE: you can now edit tables directly inline in a document

  • FEATURE: quickly edit a document section without having to open it via the TOC

  • FEATURE: support for newlines in tables

  • FEATURE: improved document page layout

  • FEATURE: pre-loaded set of publication names per country

  • Assent and commencement notices are no longer H3 elements, so PDFs don’t include them in their TOCs. #28

  • FIX: bug when saving an edited section

  • FIX: ensure TOC urls use expression dates

  • FIX: faster document saving

After upgrading to this version, you must run migrations:

python migrate

We also recommend updating the list of countries:

python update_countries_plus

1.1 (2016-12-19)

  • First tagged release